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Datahut Blog
A blog for people & companies looking to make a big business impact with data acquired using web scraping and web crawling. Learn the best practices, business use cases, legality, and how you can do your job better with data.
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Ashmi Subair
5 days ago11 min read
Why Every Amazon Seller Must Scrape Their Competitor’s Reviews
Monitoring your product’s reviews is incredibly useful to assess customer satisfaction and identifying areas of improvement.

Thasni M A
May 5, 202313 min read
Scraping Decathlon using Playwright in Python
Decathlon is a rеnownеd sporting goods rеtailеr that offеrs a divеrsе rangе of products, including sports apparеl, shoеs and еquipmеnt....

Tony Paul
Jul 22, 20226 min read
How to Build an Amazon Price Tracker using Python
Everybody loves to get their products on amazon at their lowest prices. I have a bucket list full of electronic gadgets that I am waiting...

Tony Paul
May 20, 202111 min read
Predatory Pricing of eCommerce companies in the pulse oximeter category: Data & Insights
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for medical equipment for at-home health monitoring has witnessed a boom. One of...

Fiona Mathews
Dec 8, 20204 min read
It’s the Season to Get Holiday Pricing Right!
To say a lot has changed this year would be an understatement. The pandemic has globally affected consumer spending across all income...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Oct 27, 20206 min read
5 Major Challenges That Make Amazon Data Scraping Painful
Amazon has been on the cutting edge of collecting, storing, and analyzing a large amount of data. Be it customer data, product...

Fiona Mathews
Sep 8, 20206 min read
The Retailer’s Guide to Price Optimization Solutions to Increase Profits
Pricing is actually very simple. Customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product. ~ Ron Johnson, former...

Sakshi Ragini
Feb 28, 20206 min read
How To Be an Effective E-Commerce Category Manager
The contemporary market has a tremendous inflow of products and services. The key to making the most out of these products is category...

Srishti Saha
Jul 2, 20199 min read
12 Essential Key Metrics That E-commerce Businesses Must Track
Online retail or e-commerce has become a new playing arena for many companies. A lot of major e-commerce sites monitor some key...

Srishti Saha
Dec 24, 20186 min read
The Economy of the Web Scraping Industry
The web scraping industry is penetrating every other industrial vertical. With the large volumes of data available for multiple purposes,...

Rupal Mishra
Aug 6, 20185 min read
How to Use Predictive Analytics to Prevent Customer Problems Before they Arise
Prevention is better than cure. An important point to consider for a successful business is forecasting problems before they arise and...

Anmol Chawla
Jul 26, 20184 min read
Big Data Analytics and the New Age of Retailing
Big Data analytics is the new goldmine. If we take a good look at the past year, we will see how technology has helped retailers overcome...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jul 4, 20184 min read
How Adidas’ Focus on Data-Driven Growth Has Led to its Burgeoning Rise
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here and it’s all about the digital world. With the exponential growth of data and internet...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jun 26, 20186 min read
Chatbots for Retail: How retailers are using chatbots to boost customer engagement
In present age, technology is developing at a pace faster than our ability to keep up with it. With technologies like embedded analytics...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Jun 3, 20185 min read
Robotics in Retail: How Robotics is Transforming the Future of Retail
When the age of industrialization kicked in a couple of centuries ago, peoples lives were disrupted by the speed and efficiency machines...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
May 20, 20183 min read
Walmart Acquires Flipkart: Impact on the Retail Industry and Consumers
Earlier last week, the Indian retail scenario saw a major transformation with an acquisition that involved one of the biggest players in...

Tony Paul
May 9, 20184 min read
How Web Scraping Can be used to Automate Dropshipping
Over the past two decades, the internet has evolved from a geek’s work to a common man’s daily functioning tool for pretty much...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Apr 4, 20183 min read
How 2018 will Usher in the Next Disruption in Online Shopping
Humans are a creature of habit. We love our habits, but we also like them challenged. Whenever the market presents a new toy for the...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Mar 26, 20183 min read
How Walmart uses Big Data to tremendously improve Retail Decision Making
We often tend to believe that anything that is more than a few decades old must be outdated and not caught up with the rest of the world....

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Mar 12, 20182 min read
How Can Big Data Analytics Enhance the Demand-Supply Cycle in Retail
There has virtually been no sector in the market today that has been left untouched by the wave of big data analytics. Every process of a...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Feb 26, 20183 min read
5 Retail Tech Trends to Expect in 2018
2017 had proven to be a golden year for big data. Not only the systems that supported large volumes of structured and unstructured data...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Feb 21, 20183 min read
The Future of E-Commerce is Augmented Reality: How AR Will Reshape Shopping in the Future
Before Pokémon Go came out, no one could fathom the power of Augmented Reality in their own hands. We all knew that AR was the fancy new...

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Dec 26, 20173 min read
Next Best Offer: Predicting Your Customer’s Wants Before They Do
Try to sell the same kind of soap to different people and you will fail miserably. Today’s market doesn’t work on the mass sell approach....

Bhagyeshwari Chauhan
Dec 8, 20173 min read
How Retailers Can Use Web Scraping to Improve Conversions
We all love talking. We chat about the weather, discuss the inflation rates; complaint about the nanny never making it on time and...
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