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Kartik Singh

Asynchronous Web Scraping using Python

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

With more and more data being pushed online, the requirement of asynchronous web scraping services is at an all-time high. Many businesses are relying on the data-driven methodologies to drive their organizational goals. With synchronous web scraping, most of the usual demands of data can be met which generally revolve around small batches of data. Although the former part works well, web scraping still suffers from bad execution time in the case of scrapping high volume data

In this blog, we are going to look at the problems being faced while scraping large chunks of data from online websites. Going ahead, we will further explore the asynchronous web scraping to make our python web scrappers quick and efficient for data-heavy web scraping.

Still doubtful about the legality of web scraping, this will help you in clearing some myths.

What is Web Scraping

Web scraping, simply put, is a process of extracting content from a website. When the amount of content to be fetched is small, then manually copying content is one approach but when the size of required content increases, automatic web scraping is employed. There are a lot of tools available in the market for scraping content. Libraries like Beautiful Soup and Scrapy are few examples of scraping libraries available in the Python programming language.

Web scraping enables the user to collect data from online resources for their analysis and other requirements. Collected data is generally saved back in local storages or is pushed to databases for persistent storage.

Web scraping generally involves a code which opens a target website and extracts all the required content from it. Required information can generally be mentioned by the user beforehand.

Challenges in Web scraping

Web scraping is simple for users looking to retrieve data from online resources. But there is more to this story. What about the owners of the website looking to preserve their data from all the scraping happening around the web? Website owners tend to block web scraping activities on their websites. They do so by identifying and blocking the IP addresses requesting content from that website.

Also, normal web scraping is beneficial for most of the use cases but fails when the amount of extracted data is high as it is a very time-consuming process. There was an urgent need for a solution to extract a large amount of content from websites without compromising on the execution speed of the entire process. To cater to the before-mentioned limitations, the benefits of asynchronous programming are reaped to the full potential. In the next section, we will explore how asynchronous programming solves our issue of extracting large content quickly and efficiently.

Overcoming challenges with asynchronous web scraping

In order to understand the role of asynchronous web scraping in making scraping process faster, we need to understand asynchronous programming first. Let us take a simple example from real life to understand it at an uber level.

Every time in the morning, when I leave for office, I need to do some chores like taking a bath, preparing my lunch, etc, before I am ready to leave. If I were to perform these tasks one by one, it used to consume almost 45 mins of mine every morning. I am always fine with this only when I am not getting late to work. So how do we optimize this?

A naïve approach can be executing all the tasks in parallel. I can wake up and switch geyser on first. Rather than waiting for the geyser to heat the water up, I will rush to the kitchen and start preparing my lunch. As soon as the water is ready, I will come back and take my bath. In this case, we are able to utilize the extra wait time taken by the geyser and use that effectively to prepare lunch instead. Now the total activity took just 15 mins! This, in short, is the main essence of asynchronous programming.

Asynchronous web scraping allows us to process and collect data from a large number of web pages in parallel. Doing all the scrapping in parallel threads, allows us to save time. We, no longer, need to wait for scraping of one page to finish before we start scraping the other!

How does asynchronous web scraping work

The distinction between synchronous and asynchronous performance might at first appear somewhat different. Program performance is generally very simple in most high-level languages. The first row of source code begins with your program and then every row of code performed sequentially. The implementation of the synchronous program is somewhat like the above. You are running your program one line at a moment(line by line) Whenever a function is called, the execution of the program waits for this function to return to the next code line. But in case of asynchronous web scraping, your scraper runs in parallel processes to collect data from websites and does not wait for one code to finish its execution. The program starts performing other tasks when the wait time is present and as soon as it encounters the response from waiting tasks, its starts processing them.

Asynchronous web scraping using python

In this section, we will implement asynchronous web scraping using python. In order to show the difference between the synchronous and the asynchronous counterpart, we will implement both the codes and try to see the execution time difference.

We are using the Beautiful Soup library to scrape contents from the websites. We have gathered 10 weblinks having mobile phone data. Our aim here is to scrape all the data in the minimum time possible.

Let us start with the synchronous part first. Below is the code for initialising all the variables:

### Importing libraries ###
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import grequests
import requests
import time</span></pre>

### Starting the timer ###
start_time = time.time()

### List of urls to scrape data from ###
links = [

Synchronous web scraping method

Once we have all our variables set up, we can start scraping mobile phone data. All we have to do here is to iterate all the weblinks one by one and pull out the product name, price, and the offered discount. We are using the request library to fetch web content and the beautiful soup library to parse all the content and fetch our required listings. Below code performs the above-mentioned task:

for link in links:
  req = requests.get(link)
  soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'lxml')
  lists = soup.find_all('a', attrs={'class':"product__list--name"})
  prices = soup.find_all('span', attrs={'class':"pdpPriceMrp"})
  discount = soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class":"listingDiscnt"})

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

After running the above code, we can see the listings in the console of the command line. Fetching all the pages one by one and extracting our data out took roughly around 14 seconds. This is an example of asynchronous programming. In the next, section we will be implementing the asynchronous version.

Asynchronous Web Scraping using Python

Synchronous web scraping results

Asynchronous web scraping method

To perform asynchronous web scraping, we will be using the GRequests library. It executes the parallel fetching of the data from all the web pages without waiting for one process to complete. GRequests allows you to use Requests with Gevent to make asynchronous HTTP requests easily.

Below is the asynchronous implementation for pulling data from 10 different websites.

reqs = (grequests.get(link) for link in links)
resp=grequests.imap(reqs, grequests.Pool(10))

for r in resp:
   soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
   results = soup.find_all('a', attrs={"class":'product__list-name'})
   prices = soup.find_all('span', attrs={'class':"pdpPriceMrp"})
   discount = soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class":"listingDiscnt"})

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

You can easily see the effect of pulling data asynchronously after running the above program. The program took 3 seconds to fetch all data as compared to 14 seconds taken by the synchronous counterpart. We have saved almost 11 seconds here which is actually a big deal when are dealing with bulk data scraping.

Asynchronous Web Scraping using Python

Asynchronous web scraping results

Datahut as a reliable scraping partner

There are a lot of tools that can help you scrape data yourself. However, if you need professional assistance with minimal technical know-how, Datahut can help you. We have a well-structured and transparent process for extracting data from the web in real-time using asynchronous web scraping techniques and provide in the desired format. We have helped enterprises across various industrial verticals. From assistance to the recruitment industry python/ to retail solutions, Datahut has designed sophisticated solutions for most of these use-cases.

You should join the bandwagon of using data-scraping in your operations before it is too late. It will help you boost the performance of your organisation. Furthermore, it will help you derive insights that you might not know currently. This will enable informed decision-making in your business processes.


In this blog, we looked at how asynchronous web scraping can help us in drastically reducing the execution time of web scraping tasks. Asynchronous web scraping is relatively new but you can find various implementations for it. There are libraries other than GRequests like “asyncio” which provides added features for complex asynchronous web scrappers.

Asynchronous web scraping will be the key for future web scraping tasks if one is looking at near real-time big data scraping services. Many industries across different verticals have leveraged the benefits of web scrapingStart leveraging the benefits of web scraping for your organization with Datahut as your reliable web-scraping partner.


Do you want to offload the dull, complex, and labour-intensive web scraping task to an expert?

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